"The Buffalo at Olga"
2012 Oil on Canvas 24" x 30"
"Batture Outhouse"
2012 Oil on Canvas 30" x 24"
"Going to Fort de la Boulaye"
2012 Oil on Canvas 30" x 24"
"The Cook on the Packet Boat El Rito""
2012 Oil on Canvas 30" x 24"
"The Bridal Party"
2013 Oil on Canvas 24" x 30"
"I REMEMBER . . ." An Art Show of Environmental Significance
"Bar Pilots at the Pilottown Bar"
2012 Oil on Canvas 24" x 30"
"Disembarking at the Dock"
2013 Oil on Canvas 30" x 24"
"Filling Oyster Sacks"
2013 Oil on Canvas 30" x 24"
This show was commissioned by the Coastal Wetlands Planning, Protection, and Restoration Act (CWPPRA) in partnership with the T. Harry Williams Center for Oral History at Louisiana State University.
2013 Oil on Canvas 24" x 30"
"I Remember . . ." represents life along the Mississippi River from the early 1900's to 1960. Inspired by old photographs, the work depicts different aspects of daily living along the river during a time when the river was a major means of transportation in a remote, yet commercially viable part of Louisiana.
"Oyster Cannery, Ostrica"
2012 Oil on Canvas 30" x 24"