Pleiades Illustration Company

"The Buffalo at Olga"

​2012 Oil on Canvas 24" x 30"

"Batture Outhouse"

​2012 Oil on Canvas 30" x 24"

"Going to Fort de la Boulaye"

​2012 Oil on Canvas 30" x 24"

"The Cook on the Packet Boat El Rito""

​2012 Oil on Canvas 30" x 24"

"The Bridal Party"

​2013 Oil on Canvas 24" x 30"

​​"I REMEMBER . . ." An Art Show of Environmental Significance

"Bar Pilots at the Pilottown Bar"

​2012 Oil on Canvas 24" x 30"

"Disembarking at the Dock"

​2013 Oil on Canvas 30" x 24"

"Filling Oyster Sacks"

​2013 Oil on Canvas 30" x 24"

This show was commissioned by the Coastal Wetlands Planning, Protection, and Restoration Act (CWPPRA) in partnership with the T. Harry Williams Center for Oral History at Louisiana State University. 


​2013 Oil on Canvas 24" x 30"

"I Remember . . ." represents life along the Mississippi River from the early 1900's to 1960. Inspired by old photographs, the work depicts different aspects of daily living along the river during a time when the river was a major means of transportation in a remote, yet commercially viable part of Louisiana.

"Oyster Cannery, Ostrica"

​2012 Oil on Canvas 30" x 24"